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Club Rules

These rules and regulations are for the benefit and protection of all members and guests of the Springdale Area Recreation Club. They are intended to assure enjoyable, safe and sanitary operation and use of the pool, courts, playground and recreational facilities of the Club. Failure to comply with any of these rules may be considered sufficient cause for suspension or revocation of membership and/or criminal prosecution.



The Springdale Area Recreation Club, Inc. or SARC may be referred to as the “Club.”

”Adult“shall mean any responsible person, age eighteen (18) or older, who is part of the member’s household.

“Glass” means glass cups, bottles or jars; Pyrex or other glass-like containers; and pottery, ceramics, stoneware or other breakable containers.

”Guardian“ means any responsible, dependent or baby-sitter, age fourteen (14) or older.

”Guest“ refers to family or friends from within Wake County who are not members but who are visiting the Club with a member.

”Houseguest“ refers to family or friends from outside of Wake County who are staying at a member’s home for one (1) or more days.


General Rules

  • Dependents of a member are entitled to the same privileges as the member, and subject to the same rules and regulations.  The Club’s Board of Directors is responsible for the development, amendment, and interpretation of rules and operating procedures.
  • All members, their guests and houseguests shall show pool management, lifeguards, staff and other members and their guests and houseguests appropriate respect and cooperation at all times.  All members, their guests and houseguests shall treat all Club property, equipment and furniture with care at all times.
  • Members and non-members under the age of 18 are prohibited from being on the SARC property, including the parking lot after dusk and 9pm during the pool season, unless they are accompanied by an adult.  
  • Parents are requested to review these rules with their children before permitting them to use the Club, and to encourage their respect and cooperation.
  • Members are expected to review these rules with their guests or houseguests before permitting them to use the Club, and to encourage their respect and cooperation.
  • Members are responsible for all damage, trash and spills created or caused by themselves, their families and their guests and houseguests including the pool area, bathrooms, parking lot and surrounding grounds.
  • Members are expected to clean-up after themselves, their guests and houseguests.
  • Pool management, lifeguards and staff are delegated responsibility from the Board of Directors for the safety, order and cleanliness around the pool and adjacent grounds when the pool is in operation, through enforcement of these rules and regulations.  In addition to the disciplinary plan outlined below, pool management has the authority to suspend pool privileges for a period not to exceed three (3) days for violation of these rules.  Pool management will document all suspensions, call parents for members and guests under the age of 18 and report all infractions to the Board in writing. Pool management may recommend suspension longer than three (3) days to the Board.
  • Anyone caught stealing, damaging, abusing or vandalizing Club premises, property or equipment will be turned over to the proper legal authorities for prosecution, and may have their Club privileges suspended or revoked.
  • The Club is not responsible for loss or damage to personal belongings, bicycles, or automobiles on Club property.
  • With limited exceptions, swimming during non-guarded hours is prohibited.  Exceptions include swim team practices, Adult Morning Lap swim and other, sanctioned and approved aquatic or social activities.
  • No glass is permitted on the Club grounds including, but not limited to, the pool and pool enclosure and the tennis, volleyball, playground, basketball, recreation field and parking lot.  Broken glass subjects our members and guests to potential injury and impacts the Club financially.  The costs associated with cleaning-up, repairing or otherwise addressing issues caused by broken glass including, but not limited to the costs associated with closing, draining and cleaning pool, patching tennis court surfaces, etc., will be charged to the member responsible for the breakage.  Similarly, the costs associated with cleaning-up, repairing damage or otherwise addressing issues caused by broken glass caused by any guest or houseguest of a member shall be charged to said member.  The Club’s Board reserves the authority to suspend membership privileges until payment of glass breakage related costs and repairs are paid.
  • No smoking is permitted on the Club grounds including, but not limited to the pool, tennis, volleyball, playground, basketball, recreation field areas and parking lot.
  • All Club facilities are used at your own risk. Parents and guardians are required to supervise children under their charge when they at the Club.
  • Children shall not be permitted to play with the Club’s hoses, in the bathrooms, with grills or other dangerous objects or in drainage areas throughout the club.
  • Profanity or obscene conduct is not permitted on the Club grounds at any time.
  • Pets are not permitted inside any fenced area of the Club.


Pool Rules



When the pool is in open for operation, all members must provide their name to the attendant and display their membership card.  Guest admission is addressed in the Guest and Houseguest Policy sections. No child under the age of twelve (12) is permitted to enter the pool area without an adult or guardian present. The adult or guardian must remain in the pool area with the child at all times including swim team practice. Children age twelve (12) or older can enter the pool by themselves, but adult supervision is strongly suggested. Children age twelve (12) or older are required to sign in with a phone number where their parent or guardians can be reached in case of an emergency or violation of pool rules.

Swimming Rules

  • Lifeguards are discouraged from participating in any casual conversation with members or guests while they are on active duty.  Please be respectful of that obligation.
  • Anyone intending to use the pool shall shower prior to entering the pool.
  • For your own health, as well as the health of others, use of the swimming wading pools is inadvisable either during or immediately after an illness.  In particular, members or guests having infections of the skin, eyes, respiratory or gastrointestinal systems, wearing bandages, or having coughs or colds, will be excluded from the pool.  In the case of vomit, the pool will be closed for a minimum of six (6) hours.
  • Health department regulations and good sanitation practices require that no diapers are permitted in or around the pool without rubber/plastic pants.  When fecal matter is found in the pool, the pool must be closed for a minimum of 24 hours.
  • The following are NOT permitted in or around the swimming pool:
    • Running;
    • Spitting or spouting of water;
    • Grabbing, hanging on or sitting on the lane lines, ropes, diving boards, swim blocks or basketball goal or rim;
    • Pushing, wrestling, “chicken fights,” dunking, rough-play and other forms of horseplay;
    • Squirt guns;
    • Water balloons;
    • Diving from the side of the pool (except in diving area)
    • Jumping or diving from the swim blocks (except swim team practice or meets);
    • Throwing of rocks, sticks, tennis balls or other hard-surface balls; and
    • Hitting others with “noodles” or other objects.
  • The wading pool is a non-guarded area.  Parents must be in the enclosed area with their child. No child over five (5) is permitted in the wading pool.  Slides or other furniture shall not be placed in or next to the wading pool.
  • Children over age ten (10) are discouraged from playing in the two-foot deep section of the main pool when other parts of the pool are available.
  • Swim blocks are for use only during swim practice and meets.
  • The lap lanes are for the use of lap swimmers only.  Lap swimmers have priority on their use.


Diving Board and Diving Area Rules

In addition to the Swimming Rules, the following apply to use of the diving boards or diving area:

  • Only qualified swimmers will be permitted to use the diving boards and /or deep water.  Qualification shall consist of:
    • Swim two (2) widths of the pool without stopping;
    • Tread water for two (2) minutes; and
    • The discretion of the on-duty lifeguard.
  • Only one (1) diver is allowed on a diving board at a time.
  • Only one (1) bounce per dive/jump.
  • No jumping or diving into someone’s arms from board.
  • No diving or jumping from the side of the board.
  • No diving from the side of the pool except when playing cross-pool under lifeguard supervision.  Use of diving boards has priority over cross-pool games.  Cross-pool games are limited to ten (10) players at a time.  Players must dive away from diving boards from the side of the pool.


Disciplinary Action

Pool management, lifeguards and Board members of the Club have authority to enforce the following disciplinary action plan:

·       1st offense = warning

·       2nd offense = sit out for 10 minutes

·       3rd offense = sit out for 15 minutes

·       4th offense = parents are called and must leave pool

However, in any cases of physical violence, out of control behavior, destruction of property or illegal activities or substances, parents and possibly legal authorities will be called and the child will be removed immediately from the Club property.  In the event the child is determined to be in violation of any pool rules, the parent will be called and will be expected to pick up the child promptly.

Any adults in violation of this policy face the penalty of having their pool and/or membership privileges suspended or revoked as described above. Children who are repeat offenders will not be allowed to be at the pool without adult supervision.

As indicated above, pool management, lifeguards and staff are delegated responsibility from the Board of Directors for the safety, order and cleanliness around the pool and adjacent grounds when the pool is in operation, through enforcement of these rules and regulations.  In addition to the disciplinary plan outlined below, pool management has the authority to suspend pool privileges for a period not to exceed three (3) days for violation of these rules.  The pool management will document all suspensions, call parents for members and guests under the age of 18 and report all infractions to the Board in writing. Pool management may recommend suspension longer than three (3) days to the Board.

Any member with questions or concerns regarding enforcement of the pool rules shall address them to pool management, the Operations Director or the Club President.



Guests and Houseguests Policy (when pool is open for operation).

Guests from Wake County may not visit the pool on weekends.

Members must accompany their guests at all times. Guests will sign in the guest notebook their name, address and phone number along with the member’s name. If the guest is under 18, a phone number where their parent can be reached in case of an emergency must also be provided. Staff will create and keep record for each guest during the season.

  • Guest fees are $10.00 per person
  • Guests may visit up to 10 times during any season
  • There is a maximum of one (1) guest at a time per family member with a MAX of five (5) guests at a time per family membership.
  • Members 14 years of age and under must have an adult or guardian present to host a guest.
  • Children under the age of two (2) will not be charged a guest fee.
  • Houseguests are welcome to visit on any day (weekdays, weekends, holidays and special events).

Houseguests must sign in to a different guest notebook. They shall provide their name, address and emergency phone number along with member’s name and dates of visit. ID will be required.  The Club does not charge fees for houseguests.

In the case of a nanny/babysitter, the member must fill out information regarding the nanny/babysitter in advance. These forms are available at the guard shack. There is no charge for their visits to the pool but they must have member’s child (children) with them at all times.


Guests and Houseguests Policy (when pool is closed).

Except in the case of special or reserved events at the Club, individual members and their responsible children age thirteen (13) or older are permitted to invite one (1) guest or houseguest to join them in using Club amenities located behind the fenced areas of the Club.  Members must accompany their guests and houseguests at all times.  The guest and houseguest fees rules apply when the pool is closed.


Facility Rentals

  • Club facilities can be rented for member and quest use by coordinating with the Pool Manager or Director of Operations.
  • Rental guidelines are posted on the Club website.
  • Rentals have priority of use of Club facilities during time of rental.


Tennis Rules

  • The Club’s General Rules and Guest policies apply to use of the tennis courts.
  • Please see the Tennis Rules and Guidelines page for all rules governing tennis play at SARC.
  • Misuse of or intentional destruction of equipment may result in being banned from its future use.


Volleyball Rules

  • The Club’s General Rules and Guest policies apply to use of the volleyball courts.
  • Volleyballs can be signed-out by a member from the guard shack when the pool is open; otherwise, it’s BYOB.
  • Players must adhere to the first come, first served rule. However, when the pool is open, pool management and lifeguards have the authority to regulate the duration of play.
  • There shall be no climbing, hanging or abuse of the volleyball nets or poles.
  • The volleyball courts should not be used as a sandbox or children’s play area.
  • Misuse of or intentional destruction of volleyball courts or equipment may result in being banned from its future use.
  • Everyone using the volleyball courts must shower before re-entering the pool, tennis courts or pavilions.


Basketball Rules

  • The Club’s General Rules and Guest policies apply to use of the basketball court.
  • The basketball court is available only during daylight hours.
  • Basketballs can be signed-out by a member from the guard shack when the pool is open; otherwise, it’s BYOB.
  • Players must adhere to the first come, first served rule. However, when the pool is open, pool management and lifeguards have the authority to regulate the duration of play.
  • Misuse of or intentional destruction of the basketball court or equipment may result in being banned from its future use.
  • There shall be no climbing, hanging or abuse of the basketball net, backboard or pole.
  • When a basketball game is in play, the court shall not be used as a children’s play area.
  • Everyone using the basketball courts must shower before re-entering the pool, tennis courts or pavilions.


Playground Rules

  • The Club’s General Rules and Guest policies apply to use of the playground.
  • The playground is available only during daylight hours.  The playground shall not be used when it is wet or during inclement weather.
  • The fixed playground equipment is intended for children ages 5 to 12.  The durable plastic playground equipment is intended for children younger than age 5.
  • Children using the playground shall be supervised appropriately by their parents or guardians.
  • Children using the playground shall not be permitted to throw mulch, stones or other objects from the playground or at others.
  • Abuse of the playground equipment is prohibited.  No user shall use the playground or its equipment as a platform for performing flips, Parkour or other acrobatic activities.
  • Misuse of or intentional destruction of the playground or its equipment may result in being banned from its future use.


Recreation Field Rules

  • The Club’s General Rules apply to use of the recreation field.
  • Use of the field is on a first come, first served basis.
  • The recreation field is available only during daylight hours.  The field shall not be used when it is wet or during inclement weather.
  • There shall be no climbing, hanging or abuse of the soccer goals, nets or fencing around the field.
  • When a practice or game is in play, the field shall not be used as a children’s play area.
  • Children using the field shall be supervised appropriately by their parents or guardians.

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